The EU’s landmark Soil Monitoring Law, designed to improve soil health and promote sustainable land use practices across Europe, is encountering significant obstacles due to growing political resistance. Initially backed by both the European Parliament and the European Commission, the law is now under pressure from the European People's Party (EPP), which is pushing to delay its implementation or scrap it entirely.
Introduced by the European Commission in July 2023, the law aims to establish a comprehensive monitoring framework for soil health, with the ultimate goal of ensuring healthy EU soils by 2050. The proposal includes measures for assessing soil health, remediating contaminated sites, and promoting sustainable soil management. While the European Parliament approved its negotiating position in March 2024, resistance to the law has been mounting.
Opposition has been particularly strong from political groups aligned with farming associations, which are concerned about its potential impact on agriculture. The German Christian Democratic Union party, a key player within the EPP, argues that soil health is best managed at the national level and that Member States should retain flexibility. Similarly, the German Farmers' Union has called for the repeal of the soil law, citing concerns over the administrative burden on farmers and potential restrictions on agricultural activities.
Despite these changes, Slovakian MEP Martin Hojsík (Renew Europe), the lead negotiator on the file, remains cautiously optimistic about the law’s progress. He has highlighted support from farming organisations such as Copa-Cogeca and noted that the Council’s Polish presidency has shown interest in continuing the discussions.
The first two rounds of trilogues took place in October and December 2024, and the next one is tentatively scheduled for April 2025. However, according to Brussels-based media, negotiations are currently progressing at a slow pace. Given that 60% of EU land is already affected by soil degradation, maintaining a constructive dialogue is crucial, as healthy soils are essential for food security, resilience, and sustainable agriculture.
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